Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ethical Mistakes Of The 2008 Financial Crisis Essay

Ethical mistakes that led to the 2008 financial crisis In my opinion, most people failed to act appropriately during the financial crisis of 2008. One is the oversight of businesses. The oversight in place failed to do their job properly and succumbed to temptation. When issues arose individuals took one of three paths. They engaged in the unethical behavior, did nothing, or said something and never continued with follow through to ensure some action was taken. As mentioned in the lecture material, individuals engaged in â€Å"willful blindness† (Potchen, 2016). I think a lot of individuals feel that if they turn a blind eye or go along with it because everyone is, that they are covered if something occurs. The reasons these individuals act the way they do in my opinion is greed. In my opinion, money, wealth, and power roll up into greed, which, tops the list. When these people make the decisions to act unethically, it is because they are gaining something or getting some sort of fulfillment. I strongly believe that individuals do not want to start out being unethical and they have every intention to do the right thing. When they are in business school and hear all the horror stories, I feel that tell themselves that they will never engage in that type of behavior. However, when they see what the money can buy or what type of lavish lifestyle they can have, they quickly change their minds. I think another reason we as individuals engage in this type of behavior is because weShow MoreRelatedRanking the Key Principles of Corporate Governance1579 Words   |  7 Pagesphilosophy applied in this essay is based on analysis of the results of international investigations into the underlying causes of the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Creating A New Storage Scheme - 1560 Words

Hourglass Schemes: [1] As mentioned in the introduction, ensuring files confidentiality is a major issue in cloud computing. The authors of this paper introduce a new storage scheme called the HourGlass. In this scheme the cloud server is forced to save files in a way that enable clients challenges, the server’s response ensures clients that their files are safely stored. In most cloud providers, clients files are stored in an encrypted way based on some predefined agreement between the client and the cloud provider. Then clients can challenge the server to send back the encrypted files in timely manners. The problem with this scenario is with current resources and computation powers, the servers can easily encrypt files on the fly and†¦show more content†¦This is most likely to exceed the time limit and hence the client will know that the server is not storing their files is a secure manner. The second property is also important because this scheme should not introduce any complication to the clients when trying to access their file. When legitimate clients want to access their files on the server, they should also be easily able to uncover the hourglass encapsulation, decrypt their file and read the plain text. We will describe the proposed protocol using the following notations: F: the plaintext file, CipherF: the encrypted file, X: The output of the hourglass function that will be stored on the server, C: the client, S: the server, HG: the hourglass function, E: encryption function, RNG(): random number generator that will be used by the client , A B: M: A sending M to B. The protocol is as follows: Client Server F C S: F F CipherF = E(F) X = HG(CipherF) Discard F, Store X i = GEN(), start timer C S: i i Stop timer C S: block i of X Verify response Remark: this is a simplified version of the actual protocol; more details will be introduced in the final report. The client can verify the server response either by computing HG and storing it on the client side or by other means that will be explained in the final report. The

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Social and Economic Hardships of Women and Blacks Free Essays

The 19th century was a difficult time for many women and blacks because of the domination of white men over them. The social and economic hardships they faced in day to day life was a constant reminder of this domination. The social ideology in the story â€Å"Desiree†s Baby† was powerful and dangerous and held no escape for any character. We will write a custom essay sample on The Social and Economic Hardships of Women and Blacks or any similar topic only for you Order Now A woman with small children who lost her husband would face extreme hardships without the support of close family members. One who happened to be down on their luck would not find much sympathy among their peers even with children. Kate Chopin was one of these individuals who was down on her luck with six children. But fortunately had the support and comfort of her mother for a short period before her mother passed away. A friend advised this mother of six children that writing was a way to solve her problems concerning money and help deal with her grief. Maternal love and all the grief from losing loved ones were to be an attribute to the writing proficiency of this literary artist. This period in Louisiana was not tolerant for mixed ancestry and one found to be non-white would be ostracized from the white community. There were some whites in Louisiana who was not racist but they would still have to follow a strict code of segregation and social guidelines or risk social or bodily death. Kate Chopin was born fourteen years before slavery was abolished so must have had strong feeling on the subject. She no doubt saw mixed ancestry in the black communities and realized the cause of it. This story crosses the line into the covert world of mixed ancestry and the problems it produced. The racism in the story is not discussed openly but is prudently mixed in with Armand†s atrocious character and his evil soul. Armand†s evil was deep as he forsakes his loving wife, infant son, and God. The story some proclaim contributed to Chopin†s early success was â€Å"Desiree†s Baby† in this story she mixed many feminist emotions from maternal love, to a wife†s love and devotion to her estranged husband. During this period, some found it tolerable to leave a baby on the doorsteps of a family to provide a chance at a better life. This was an important point in the story when the Monsieur found the baby Desiree near the front gate, it would mean that Desiree would probably never be aware of her biological parents ancestry. The chance a baby with both parents would be dropped off is not logical but was probably a single mother. A single mother knew there was little help to be found and the child would be hard pressed for a descent upbringing socially and economically speaking. Desiree grew into a beautiful and gentle-hearted young woman and soon found a wealthy suitor asking for her hand. This young suitor had known of Desiree†s past but was in love and did not care of this seemingly innocent unknown factor of her past. This suitor, Armand Aubigny was racist and wretched but the young bride was in love and looked past his flawed character. The concept of young Armand falling instantly in love after seeing Desiree standing by the gate is a bit suspicious and sounds more like infatuation. The evil in Armand did not come from his parents and the black employees were cheerful when he was growing up so it is an open question concerning his acquired hatred. The blacks were cheerful while his father was alive but was not during Armand†s strict management of the L†Abri. Armand had changed to a kinder man after his marriage and the birth of his son and it may have been the only time in his life he was truly happy. The death of his mother while living in France when he was eight years old may have had a precarious effect on his character. The way Madame Valmonde described the L†Abri as â€Å"a sad looking place, which for many years had not known the gentle presence of a mistress†(1), may have been a hint at Armands evil nature being tied to having no maternal influence during most of his boyhood. Madame Valmonde noticed the baby†s mixed ancestry immediately when she went for a visit, exclaiming out loud at first sight of him â€Å"this is not the baby†(2), Desiree thought she was referring to how big the baby had grown. Madame Valmonde looked closely at the baby and new that it was indeed of mixed ancestry but did not mention it to her daughter, this I believe was her way of hoping for the best. Madame Valmonde was wealthy but knew her influence would not be enough to help if anyone found out the baby was black. This would also mean certain social destruction for Desiree having given birth to a black child. The environment changed quickly on the L† Abri and Desiree was not aware of the circumstances that had changed it. Her husband had recognized that the baby was not white and had turned into his old malicious self and was ignoring his family in vain. One of La Blanche†s quadroon boys was near the baby when Desiree noticed the resemblance of the skin color between the boy and her baby. Desiree confronted Armand and asked him to explain what the baby†s color meant and how it happened, Armand immediately and harshly accuses Desiree of not being white like the baby. The quadroon boy is one quarter Negro ancestry and so his mother La Blanch is also of mixed ancestry. This is important to know because Armand compares Desiree with that of La Blanch when he tells her she is not white. Armand was quoted as hearing the baby crying from â€Å"as far away as La Blanch†s cabin†(2), the reason he was at the cabin could be he was using La Blanch sexually. This would explain the quadroon boys. The practice of raping a slave or employee in those days was not uncommon. Desiree compares her skin color to that of Armand who is much darker than she is but he is not bothered by this inconsistency in his reasoning. Desiree begged her mother Valmonde for help in explaining to everyone that she is indeed white. Valmonde did not respond to Desiree†s cry for help but just offered a place to stay for Desiree and the baby. This was a strong blow for Desiree who felt she was now isolated in her fight for justice against Armands unjust allegations. The struggle Desiree was trying to overcome was a losing one and mainly because of the dominance of men over women at the time. Armand did not relent in his persecution of Desiree and the baby. This demented individuals main goal was to crush the soul of Desiree and to punish God for what he feels was his unjust treatment. Desiree finally went to Armand one last time hoping that his psychotic episode would be over but Armand did not deviate telling her he wanted her and the baby to leave. The Crushed and broken Desiree finally made the fateful decision that there was no other life for her and the baby. This decision led to Desiree†s suicide and the baby†s infanticide alone in the bayou. There would be no social life or chance of a second family for a white woman with a black child during this time period. Armand†s psychotic episode continued and he burnt everything belonging to Desiree and the baby or that reminded him of them. Fear was something Armand did not know because he always had domination over everything around him, but with the baby being black he had social rejection to fear. It was during this episode that he discovered a letter from his mother to his father that revealed that it was indeed he who was black. God did enact the final revenge with the appearance of the letter. The story touches on several social issues that would not be talked about in specific places and times. The interracial conceiving of children, mans dominance over his wife, and whites dominance over blacks were all depicted in the story. In conclusion, the struggle for women and blacks continue and with changing social attitudes some things are improving for them but hatred and bias will be around for a long time. How to cite The Social and Economic Hardships of Women and Blacks, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Statistical Data Analysis Business Decision Makers

Question: Discuss about the Statistical Data Analysis for Business Decision Makers. Answer: Introduction In each and every business data is generated. The data generated by the business can be analysed to provide useful insights into the business. The analysis of the data is generally done through the use of statistics. The results of the data analysis are important for the business manager, since on the basis of the analysis he takes decisions. The present report presents the analysis of the data on tourism sector which can be used to take business decisions. The present data is a survey of 50 accommodation providers. From an analysis of the data is found that 2 accommodation providers have not had any guests, and thus the data on the 2 accommodation providers is missing. Hence, the data contains the survey for only 48 accommodation providers. The discrete random variable selected is the number of beds. The continuous random variable is the average time spent by the guests at the accommodations. Descriptive Statistics The continuous variable selected is the average time spent by a guest in the accommodation. The descriptive statistics are shown in table 1 of Appendices (Sheet CI in Excel File). From the table we find that the average time spent by a guest at BB is 7.7150 hours which is more than the average time spent at the hotel, 7.5391 hours. The median hours spent by a guest at BB is 7.41 hours, which is more than the median hours spent by a guest at hotel 7.05 hours. The minimum and maximum time spent at BB is 5.96 hours is 11.95 hours. The minimum and maximum time spent at Hotels is 6.25 hours is 11.46 hours. The interquartile range of time spent at BB is 1.8250 which is more than the interquartile range of time spent at the hotel, 1.1550. Figure 1: Distribution of data for type of Accommodation (source created by author) From the figure (Sheet CI in Excel File) we find that the minimum and maximum time spent by a guest at the hotel is more than that at BB. Discrete Random Variable The discrete random variable can be defined as that variable whose values are discrete eg., the star rating of the accommodations. We calculated the probability of the star ratings of the accommodations (table 4 sheet 4 in Excel File). Inferential Statistics Confidence interval (CI) can be defined as the probability that the mean will lie within the given intervals. The 95% CI is given in table 2 of appendices (Sheet CI in Excel File). From the table we find that the 95% of the CI of average time spent by a guest at BB accommodations 6.9411 and 8.4889 hours with a mean of 7.7150 hours. Hence, there is a 95% probability that in a similar survey of 50 BB accommodations we would find that the mean time that a guest spends lies between 6.9411 hours and 8.4889 hours. The 95% CI for hotel accommodations is 7.0813 and 7.9968 hours with a mean of 7.5391 hours. Hence, we can say that in a similar survey of 50 hotel accommodations that there is a 95% probability that the mean time that a guest spends lies between 7.0813 and 7.9968 hours. Normal Distribution Normal distribution is used by statisticians for use in a whole array of data analysis. The normal distribution is generally depicted as a bell shaped curve. The normal distribution has also been described as a Gaussian distribution. For a normal distribution the probability distribution function is: In the above equation the mean of the normal distribution is given by m. The standard deviation of the normal distribution is given by s. In a normal distribution, the mean, median and mode are all equal. The mean, median and mode together are known as central tendency. In addition for a normal distribution the mean is equal to zero and the standard deviation is equal to 1. Normal distribution is a continuous distribution which is symmetric about the mean (Black 2016). Statisticians use the normal distribution to analyse the sampling distribution. In a survey (like in present case of tourism data) or business data if it is assumed that a variable is normally distributed then the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution can be established. The properties of normal distribution are applied for the analysis of the sampling distribution. Inferential statistics In inferential statistics we try to make inferences about the population from the sample data. We can also use inferential statistics to make probability estimates of the population. The central limit theorem is the basis of inferential statistics (Lomax and Hahs-Vaughn 2012). Inferential statistics provides us with the ability to draw conclusions about the populations with the help of the sample data. However the process by which the sample is collected is useful in determining the statistics that can be derived / inferred. The simple random sampling is important to make inferences since it is easy to make generalizations about the population from the sample. Regression analysis Regression analysis is used to predict the dependent variable from the independent variable. In the present assignment linear regression is used to predict the response variable (revenue on sample night) from the predictor variable (number of guests taking dinner). The linear regression model used is . In the above equation Y is the response variable and X is the predictor variable. The regression model can be described as: Revenue on sample night = b0 + b1 * Number of guests taking dinner. From the regression statistics we find that the regression equation is Revenue on sample night = 713.3846 + 46.19 * Number of guests taking dinner (table 5) In addition the R2 value is 0.677, which means that the 67.7% of the revenue generated can be predicted with the variable number of guests (table 6 Sheet Tourism in Excel Sheet). Interpolation and Extrapolation are important concepts in Regression analysis. Interpolation means predicting within the range and extrapolation means predicting outside the range of the sample. For example lets us take that on a particular night there were 80 guests taking dinner. Hence from the regression equation we can say that the revenue generated would be: Revenue generated = 713.3846 + 46.19 * Number of guests taking dinner = 713.3846 + 46.18 * 80 = 4407.78 Hence we can predict that, given on a particular night there would be 80 guests the revenue generated would be 4407.78. In addition, we are 67.7 % confident that 4407.78 would be generated. Hypothesis testing In statistics a hypothesis testing is used to investigate whether a given condition is true in a sample data. All hypothesis tests examine the presence of a Null hypothesis or an alternate hypothesis. For the present data we tested the hypothesis that the average time spent by a guest at BB type accommodation more than Hotel accommodation. Thus the null hypothesis for the present hypothesis: the average time spent at BB accommodation = the average time spent at Hotel Accommodation. The alternate hypothesis: the average time spent at BB accommodation the average time spent at Hotel Accommodation. To test the hypothesis we used the independent sample t-test assuming unequal variances. From table 7 (Sheet CI in Excel File) we find that the p-value is 0.704 (two tailed). Hence we find that there are statistically no significant differences between the mean time spent by a guest at BB accommodation compared to the mean time spent by a guest at a hotel. The p-value is used to evaluate the null hypothesis. If the p-value is more than the 0.05 (the significance level) then we fail to reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value is less than 0.05 then we accept the alternate the hypothesis. Conclusion In the present assignment we analysed a discrete random variable and a continuous random variable. After analysing the DRV and CRV we proceeded to forecast the revenue collected through the number of guests present at night through the use of regression analysis. As an extension of the regression analysis we predicted the revenue that can be collected when the number of guests would be 80. In addition we tested the hypothesis that the average occupancy at BB accommodation is more than that at hotels. Recommendation From an analysis of the above data we find that two of the BB accommodations did not have any guests. Also we find that BB have lesser number of guests as compared to Hotel accommodations. In addition we find that the number of guests taking breakfast at BB type accommodation is less as against Hotel accommodation. Thus BB type accommodation should try to investigate why lesser number of guests is staying at these accommodations even though they are cheap. Also they should try to find the reason behind less number of guests taking breakfast. More number of guests taking at BB accommodations can increase the revenue of BB accommodations. References Wang, M., Lu, Q., Chi, R.T. and Shi, W., 2015. How word-of-mouth moderates room price and hotel stars for online hotel booking an empirical investigation with Expedia data. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 16(1), p.72. Ladhari, R. and Michaud, M., 2015. eWOM effects on hotel booking intentions, attitudes, trust, and website perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, pp.36-45. Black, K. (2016). Business Statistics, John Wiley. Lomax, R. and Hahs-Vaughn, D. (2012). An introduction to statistical concepts. 1st ed. New York: Routledge.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Lim Goh Tong free essay sample

A change of mindset can be the pre-requisite step for building and existing entrepreneurs to stay in the business because it having a positive mindset and to step up efforts to deal with constant changes and challenges in a highly competities market place. c) What are the key factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are entrepreneur must be smart and resilient in mobilizing all its resources, including HR to move towards common goals and to deal with challenges that affect the business. It requires the creation the creation of a more robust and knowledge business culture with people that deeply understand the business environment. d) What are the key factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are considering knowledge as a factor that can make a distint difference and identifying emerging key and new method of conducting business and making it more competitive. We will write a custom essay sample on Lim Goh Tong or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page e) What the factors to achieve entrepreneurial success to sharpen a company’s competitive adge? The factors to achieve entrepreneurial success to sharpen a company’s competitive adge depends on the ability to attract, retain and develop competent people continuously. f) Why is having leadership ability is important? Having leadership ability is important because it stand in good stead for the entrepreneur to help worker in problem-solving as well as to provide guidance on the right work ethics and maximize the employee’ performance. g) How to be a successful entrepreneur? To be a successful entrepreneur , one should have the ability to plan, arrange and control the business in every aspect. . Based on your understanding, give one example of successful entrepreneur in Malaysia. That constributes a lot in Malaysia economy. Give the strength of his (her) product/service. Lim Goh Tong is classic story of a rag-to-riches story. He migrated from China mainland in his youth. And as fate would have it, the two later became friends when he was on his way to build Genting. From the day he was born until his death, Lim Goh Tong did not speak English, he only communicated in Chinese and Malay language. But his language barrier did not prevent him from negotiating one of the largest contracts around. STRENGTH IN BUILDING UP HIS BUSINESS UMPIRE 1. Financial. His strength could be seen from his early age involved in petty trade. He always keeps some of his revenue for future used and increases his capital. 2. Intellectual . Lim Goh Tong always did a survey and made a feasibility study whether to project to be taken really produce profit or loss. He will not close the deals unless money back guaranteed. 3. Location . Choice of location is gave him ahead of others. Genting Resort was built to encourage local people to enjoy breezy environment near Kuala Lumpur. 4. Diversification on Product Offered. Genting Group has diversified from its initial hotel and resort activities to plantations, properties, paper manufacturing, power generation, oil and gas, electronic commerce and information technology development under Genting Group. 5. Government Rule and Regulation. Genting was extremely advantage after government announced in October 2002 to restrict development of highlands. It will create no competition for Genting Group on their resort business. 6. Product Diversification . Lim Goh Tong knows to play his card. He is not dependent on his Casino business. He has Conglomerate Company dealing in Star Cruise, Property Development, Education, Construction, Oil and Gas, Investment, Plantation, Independent Power Industry and Hospitality. He has well diversified revenue and will not worry on economic trend if collapse in certain industry. 6. Favorable access to distribution net works. Lim Goh Tong relationship with all the Prime Minister of Malaysia make his job easy. He received a pioneer status from Tun Abdul Razak on his Genting business. In 1976 the status was extended another year by Tun Hussin Onn through Tan Sri Mohd Noah who is in-law to Razak and Hussin Onn. 7. Market Trend. Lim Goh Tong always follow the trend from his early involvement in construction industry. After WW2 he bought all unused heavy machinery and reconditioned it before it was sold to tin miner and rubber Estate Company for their rehabilitation work.

Monday, November 25, 2019

What kinds of power are explored in Othello Essays

What kinds of power are explored in Othello Essays What kinds of power are explored in Othello Paper What kinds of power are explored in Othello Paper Whilst there are many types of power one can hold in society, these all vary in influence. Such is the case in Othello for the most part, since we see examples of authorial, military, sexual and oratory power to different degrees. However, although many of us would consider the former to be the most important within the play, due to the malevolent nature of Iago this turns out to be otherwise. The authorial power of Othello stems from his position in Venice as a military commander. This in itself is also an important power; without Othellos skill in warfare he would never have any influence in Venice at all because of his skin colour, seeing as Moorish mercenaries were a common sight even in Italy. As a result Othello is able to take command in Cyprus and be shown a lot of respect, such as when he disciplines Cassio in Act II Scene iii for his drunken behaviour: Cassio, I love thee/But never more be officer of mine/Ill make thee an example (229-30, 32) . Cassio is extremely shocked and appalled with his demotion, for it has resulted in the loss of his reputation the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial- which indicates that he holds his superior in high regard to the point of hiring a clown and musicians to seek Othellos mercy. If Othello did not have clear authority over Cassio, then the latter might have used his noble upbringing and race and disregard his demotion and openly criticize him, but Cassio instead shows nothing but respect to Othello and his wife. Yet authority over people can count for nothing in Othello too. Brabantio is a key example of this; as a respected Venetian statesman he expects his daughter to obey him, which of course was a typical patriarchal attitude in Renaissance society. It was natural for him to believe that Desdemona had been bewitched by Othello for her to fall in love and marry a Moor, especially when she was so opposite to marriage that she shunned/The wealthy curled darlings of her nation let alone a supposedly uncouth dark-skinned general. Indeed, Desdamonas confession that she does love Othello is a nervous one, since she mentions her divided duty between father and husband: You are Lord of all my duty; I am hithero your daughter. But heres my husband And so much duty as my mother showed To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess Due the Moor my Lord (I.iii.182-186) Consequently, Brabantio is deeply offended by his daughters supposed deceit and delivers a line that would be brought up by Iago when Othello begins to lose trust in his wife: She has deceived her father thus and may thee. The basis for this allegation is Desdemonas cheating on Othello, and is an example of the sexual power present in the play. Desdemona does think she holds prowess over Othello; when she appears to see what was happening in Act II Scene iii Othello is at first angered at her being roused from sleep, but then remains calm as he guides Desdemona back to bed: Alls well now sweeting; come away to bed (233). Othellos calm is significant in that the couple were disturbed on their wedding night and so he had reason to be furious at Cassio, but he was composed for Desdemonas sake. Furthermore, she uses her closeness to Othello in an attempt to get Cassio reinstated as lieutenant: Be thou assured, good Cassio, I will do/All my abilities in thy behalfI will have my Lord and you again/As friendly as you were (III.iii.1-2, 5-6). Conversely, it is this request that causes Desdemona to fall under suspicion of cheating, and when asking Othello to meet with Cassio her constant appeals appear to have an ambigious tone that Iago manipulates: What! Michael Cassio, That came a-wooing with you, and so many a time When I have spoke of you dispraisingly Hath tane your part, to have so much to do To bring him in? (Act III, iii, 68-74) Iagos oratorical skill is the most dominant type of power in Othello, as he uses it to great effect on several characters. The first person influenced is the unfortunate Roderigo, who is brought several times round to Iagos train of thought; firstly in Act I when he is on the verge of committing suicide, to which Iago bombards him with regular prose (instead of blank verse) on how that is a foolish idea, and again in Act IV when a largely ignored Roderigo begins to wonder if Iago is really helping him to attain Desdemona: Why, now I see theres mettle in thee, and even from this instant do build on thee a better opinion than ever before. Give me thy hand, Roderigo. Thou hast taken against me a most just exception; but yet I protest I have dealt most directly in thy affair. Whilst Roderigo thinks he is using Iago to win Desdemona, the reverse instead is true. Iago thinks of him as poor trash of Venice and that he is just another puppet in his grand scheme of revenge. His contempt is shown through his backstabbing and murder of Roderigo in Act V Scene i when the plan to kill Cassio backfires. Othello also trusts Iago a lot, referring to him with the common epithet Honest Iago, and this great trust is what results in jealousy of Desdemona and Cassio as well as the belief she is cheating even without irrefutable proof. It is remarkable how Iago only says Ha! I do not like that (III.iii.34) to allow the thread of suspicion to grow in Othellos mind over seeing Cassio hurrying away from Desdemona. In turn, Othello is an easy victim in his trust of the ensign since he does not have excellent rhetoric skills, and his unhealthy trust in Iago affects his language, going from the eloquent man introduced in Act I Scene ii to the coarse person halfway through Act III Scene iii: All my fond love thus do I blow to heaven;Arise, black vengeance, from thy hollow cell! (446,448). When Othello regains his nobility in the last scene, the destruction he has partially caused has already been revealed to everyone who once respected him. So we can see how, despite his lower ranking and lack of physical power, Iago is able to bring almost all the characters to death or ruin with no mercy. This shows that different types of power manifest themselves depending on how that person recognises and uses them to their advantage.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Issues of Higher Education - Who Will Pay For It Research Paper

Issues of Higher Education - Who Will Pay For It - Research Paper Example There is a greater distinction among Whites, Africans, Americans and Hispanics on matter of degree than kind. The research also examined the level of financial aid that increased the discount to tuition that has diverse affect to the tuition increase. As Americans emerges from the last decade’s recession, the higher education system together with economic as well as social sector needs boosting in order to exploit our human and physical education. As recovery commences, the financial aid has improved life of many Americans, with those at the top benefitting a lot. Moreover, gap between those who access the financial aid and those who do not continue to grow. Public investment on higher education has operated for up to three decades in order to eliminate economic barriers and to persist in college. Additionally, the financial aid towards educational opportunity has had massive growth from $558 Million in 1963 to a flabbergasting $43 Billion in 1993-94. Federal financial aid to various college students has increasingly awarded in the form of public subsidized loans. Lutz (2012) have estimated that loan defaulters rose by 58% during the 80s, whereas defaulters claims also grew by about 1300%, thereby covering over a fraction of a fifth total amount to fund the program (Lutz, 2012). In that case Americans, federal government loan program entitles all students a loan with interest lower than market rates with an option flexible repayment. Furthermore, loans are given to students with no consideration on either income earnings, option of institution attended, or course pursued by students. Student’s loans mainly address the important goal on strategic administration by ensuring access to affordable and accountable to higher education and adults are much better prepared for employment and future learning. Like any issue of national importance, there

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What are the significance of African American theater and culture from Essay

What are the significance of African American theater and culture from both a national and global perspective - Essay Example Their storytelling, dance,music and performance was a vital tool to motivate the slaves as they worked on tobacco and sugar cane plantations, mines and salt flats. Eventually as theater developed from the African ancestry of Greek tragedy of Shakespearean epics, American stages have created a broad series of plays, mostly prejudiced by the diverse population inhabiting this nation (Hill, 2004). Impacts realized through theatre performance in themes of African American plays The free southern theatre’s production of a play, by the name slave ship, reviewed the history of African American in the United States and deliberately dived audience along racial lines, (Baraka 1968) a symbolic slave ship was created in the center of the large playing area, with close seating, on all sides. The grasp of the ship, where slave bodies were piled in overcrowded quarters, was eye point with the audience portraying the merciless situation on board. During a created slave auction, female slaves were undressed topless and pushed at American men in the audience, who were inquired what they considered the women were valued. Many white audience members were so distressed by this violent argument with history that they created at early days; others hoped they had a chance to experience. At the end of the play, actors, involved black power actions, bringing on board the black audience members to join them in surrounding the white audience, while shouting for aggressive rebellion. At many performances, black audience members, felt empowered and motivated by the presentation, they joined the actors in shouting and frightening white spectators. Many white members felt endangered and irritated that they had paid to be battered, or felt powerless to express their compassion with the blacks in a mood of hostility. This play was meant to incite different reactions from different audience participants to educate the experience of history, and racism could not assist but power the audience’s experience of the play. These kinds of plays were used to polarize the audience along racial lines (Baraka 1968). Through the plays racism was discouraged in the United States through pre-active measures to prevent hostility among the citizens despite their race or origin. Once more, many white audience members were evidently shaken by the direct quarrel. This brought unity among the immigrants and the natives around the country and at a global level. The African American evolutions of theater presentations lead to the audiences have a freedom to choose to have control of their personal experience and choose where to focus during the performances. The spectators had the choice to decide what they want to focus on, either on the background themes such as light effects or to concentrate on the actor’s performance. This led the directors and stage actors develop mechanisms to compel l the performances so that the spectator s does not mix up their understanding. As the earlier directors took advantage of audience concentration they reduced the confrontation that dominated the previous performances in America (Hill, 2004). The open-air daytime performances in ancient Greece took place in a celebratory atmosphere in which social relations, drinking, and eating were all part of a daylong theatre occasion. Such events created an avenue for people from different races, cultures and tribes to interact, leading to exchange of cultural practices among them. This created a strong bond and a harmonious coexistence. In olden Rome, theatre was performed at religious celebration that presented a massive collection of entertainments. Both secular and sacred, arts were meant to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Plan for Creative Practitioners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business Plan for Creative Practitioners - Essay Example I will rely on a friend who has no background on film production mainly to help in carrying equipment and for moral support. The mission of the project is to create awareness on the realities of overseas education. The project will be aimed at helping me gain experience in film production. The project also is aimed at making a profit of 1000 AUD with the sale of at least 15 CDs. The project will be initiated with an initial capital of 500AUD. With the successful production of the short documentary, I hope to make strides toward making longer and more complex films which will probably draw bigger profits. Goals My project will be aimed at achieving a number of goals. The business hopes to produce and sell at least ten documentary CDs within the first month of production. Furthermore, the business hopes to make a profit of at least 1,000 AUD in profits from the first documentary production. The business also hopes to achieve an average growth rate of 10% per year in terms of sales and profits. The film industry in Australia is growing and more people need to tap and invest in it. The people need to be preoccupied with other projects that can be performed at the local level. Initiating a film production in towns like Melbourne and Canberra can be an opportunity in making a positive accrual to the film industry. For instance, the population in Melbourne has a record of high population of people attending schools. This documentary would be an opportunity to encourage on oversea learning. In addition to this, many people have not discovered their talents. With such projects, many of the people could be directed towards exploring their talents, which are not exposed. Another goal in establishing this project is to reach both old and young people in the Australian society. The Australian population could involve projects to generate improved production in the country. The film industry would record an escalating scale with an indulgence of both old and young. An eminen t advantage of the film industry is that, it does not have age brackets as a qualification (Branagan, 2012). Therefore, all people are legible to join in the production of films in Australia. Since the film production will be based in Melbourne, it will be an opportunity for the population in Melbourne to engage in participatory events. In addition to this, the initiation of the film making project in the area will be an avenue of improving the skills of the [population. The population is likely to amass quantitative experience that could be used in developing other films. Yet another goal of this project is to make an impact in the student perception. Melbourne has a large population of students that could be interested in films. This makes is a positive accrual as the students would appreciate a film that is produced in the vicinity. With a high demand for the films, the project will be a source of income (Kitchen and Proctor, 2001). This is an initial stage of making a documentar y that is 30 minutes long. The documentary will focus on overseas education and the life of students in oversea learning. Therefore, there will be a limited number of people involved in the production of the documentary to reduce the costs incurred in the initial stages. I am the sole founder of the project, working with one friend. Since this is an initial

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Coordination Abilities In Humans Physical Education Essay

Coordination Abilities In Humans Physical Education Essay The word physical refers to the body, and indicates bodily characteristics such as strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, health coordination and performance. It seemingly contrasts the body with mind. The term education when used in conjunction with physical refers to a process of education that develops the human body especially, and the movement skills. Therefore, it transcends all misconceptions and misgivings about physical education as a field of teaching and an ingredient of general education. Human being is an integration of the body and mind. Both components through their combinations make him more successful. The mental process and the physical expression are beautifully interwoven in the mechanism of the whole man and his wholeness in no case should be made to suffer by separating mental and physical aspects (Kamlesh 1988). Mans life is a continuous flow of activity. Every moment he is doing something and his every activity is the result of the joint efforts of the body and mind; more integrated efforts yield more success to the individual. Things in this world, outside ourselves, come via the body (some organs) into our mind and things in our mind reach the world outside through the body (Sushil Chandra Gupta 1983). The concept of performance related fitness is an elusive term that has been studied extensively over the past several years, and it has been classified by some experts as an aspect of physical fitness. Balance, coordination, agility, speed of movement, and power are among the most frequently cited components of performance- related fitness (Ali 2005). Coordination motor abilities are particularly important at the initial stages of the sports development of a competitor (Zimmermann, Nicklisch,1981, Raczek, 1989, Ljach,1995, Raczek et al., 2002). A high level of coordination improvement since the earliest years makes it possible to make use of technical and tactical skills during a sports competion effectively (Szczepanik,1993, Ljach,1995, Sadovski, 2003, Starosta, 2003, Gierczuk, 2004). A well-formed basis of Coordination motor abilities in young sportsmen is maintained at a later age and is an important reason for faster and more accurate teaching of other, more difficult movement tasks (Raczek et al., 2002) Especially in sports, in addition to mobility, the coordinative abilities strength, endurance, speed abilities and constitutional conditions are the prerequisites for developing high athletic performance. Starting from a high level of coordinative abilities, athletes can learn and improve athletic motor abilities and techniques that are required for the specific sport more quickly and with a higher degree of quality. (Hartmann et al., 2002) Training of proprioception means primarily the training of balance ability. It aims specifically at the improvement of depth perception and the resulting reflex muscle activity and concerns partial aspects of the overall coordinative abilities. (Hafelinger and Schuba 2004) If human beings have to find their balance on an unstable surface, an intra- and intercoordinative reaction of the muscles occurs, which is necessary for maintaining balance. As with proprioception, balancing ability plays a very important role in overall coordination, because the control of movements would be seriously affected without it. This means that balancing ability is also improved and extended through training of proprioception, by being able to learn new movements (Hafelinger and Schuba 2004). Co-ordination means working of all the muscle groups of the body in union. It is of utmost importance in executing any movement with a predetermined objective. Between the muscles groups, co-ordination are divided into inter muscular co-ordination and intra muscular co-ordination. It means coordination between different muscle groups as well as between muscle fibres of the same muscle. Co-ordination is necessary to execute movements requiring speed and strength and more efficiently, therefore, with less expenditure of energy, showing a better performance over a longer time. A person starts losing coordination once he gets tired and vice-versa, a tired person cannot learn movements needing a high degree of co-ordination. Coordination is the ability to integrate separate motor systems with varying sensory modalities into efficient movements. The harmonious working together of the synchrony, rhythm, and sequencing aspect of ones movements is crucial to coordinated movement. Various parts of the body may be involved, such as eyefoot coordination, as in kicking a ball or walking upstairs. Eye- hand coordination is evident in fine motor activities such as bead stringing, tracing and clay modeling or in gross motor activities such as catching, striking or volleying a ball (Ali 2005). Hand-eye coordination is the ability of the vision system to coordinate the information received through the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task, such as punching or defending in combat sports. Hand-eye coordination uses the eyes to direct attention and the hands to execute a task. Fine motor skills are involved in the control of small muscle movements, such as when an infant starts to use fingers with a purpose in coordination with the eyes. Co-ordinative ability should not be equated with motor skills. Though both are inter related and inter dependent upon each other, they are determined by the motor co-ordination process. In a motor skill movement process of body parts are largely automatised for the execution of the particular movement. The co-ordinative abilities play a vital role to increase the efficiency. To acquire efficiency, we require skilled and efficient potentials, for skilled and efficient potential coordinative abilities are very important and a pre-requisite for performance. It will be useful to children for various sports techniques and for their continuous refinement and modification during the long term training process. Coordinative abilities are pre-requisites of athletics performance; these are mainly coordinated by motor control process. Athletes coordinative abilities help them in learning and perfecting technical skill in the training period; the coordinative abilities determine the speed of quality of learning, stabilizing and applying the techniques of sports in coordinative abilities which differ from technical skills that are prerequisite for several motor abilities (Harre, 1989). The optimal age for motor learning is difficult to define. The conditions seem the best up to early adulthood; however lifelong sensitivity allows motor learning process to continue throughout ones life, in the presence of frequent repetitions and appropriate motivation, depending on the difficulty of the learning task. The periods before puberty are nevertheless to be used particularly intensively for appropriate stimuli (especially with regard to co-ordination and speed), because it makes sense to influence the maturing functions. It has been also proved that co-ordination abilities can be trained particularly well at this age. However this does not mean that no effects can be achieved at more advanced ages. Broad co-ordination seems to be favourable for later success in motor learning (Hirtz Starosta 2002). In coordination ability, the control regulation processes are required to function in a particular manner, which is further automatised to a great extent during skill performance. Coordinative abilities have also important and strong links with the motor skills as motor coordination forms the basis of the both. Coordination abilities are understood as relatively stabilized and generalised patterns of motor control and regulation processes. These enable the sportsman to do a group of movements with better quality and effect. In fact coordinative abilities are understood as stabilized and generalized patterns of motor control and regulation processes. These enable the sportsman to do a group of movements with better utilization and effects. The development of coordinative abilities is important for all sports, but in particular for the technical sports, competitive games and for the combative sports. Seemingly, co-ordinative abilities have no essential significance in sports with standard structures of the movements and relatively constant permanent competitive conditioning. However, purposeful development of coordinative abilities in the given case is one of the determining aspects of sports functioning, on which above all depends the level of the sports technical and tactical mastery. If account is not taken of this, constant specialization in standard form of movement will lead to stagnant motor skills and will narrow the very possibility of their restructuring and renewal (L. Metveyev, 1981). Seven Coordination motor abilities were assessed on the basis of 14 indices. It was done with the use of sports-motor tests elaborated by various authors (Mynarski, 2000, Raczek et al., 2002). There are seven co-ordinative abilities identified. These are : (1)Orientation Ability (2) Differentiation Ability (3) Coupling Ability (4) Adaptation Ability (5) Rhythm Ability, (6) Balance ability and (7) Reaction Ability. All the co-ordinative abilities are important for learning of sports techniques and for their continuous refinement and modifications during long term training process. The motor learning ability depends to a large extent on the level of co-ordinative abilities (Hardayal Singh, 1982). Co-ordinative abilities are primarily dependent on the motor control and regulation process of central nervous system. For each co-ordinative abilities the motor control and regulation process function in a definite pattern when a particular aspect of these functions is improved then the sportsperson is in a better position to do a certain group of movements which for their execution depends on the CNS functioning pattern (Hardayal Singh, 1991). The theories of motor coordination, therefore, are the best for understanding the nature of coordinative abilities. For each coordination ability, the central regulation process functions in a definite manner. When a particular aspect of this function is improved, the sportsman is in a better position to do a certain group of movements which for the execution depends upon the type of the central nervous system function pattern (Hardayal Singh, 1991). Efficiency requires good coordination between the body and mind. Lack of coordination results in unskilled or poor movements which is dominated by cortical control that supersedes reflex and integrated mechanism (David W. et al., 1976). In technical sports beautiful and graceful movements are a product of well developed technical skills and co-ordnative abilities which to a great extent determine the maximum limits to which sport performance can be improved in several sports especially the sports which depend largely on technical and tactical factors (Hardayal Singh, 1991). When executing ,coordination assignments are determined first of all by the fact that they demand utmost concentration of attention, subtle differentiations and regulations considerable with, alertness, creation of new forms of movements, coordination and what is more restructuring of the firmly-formed coordination links present a rather difficult task for the nervous system. Naturally it is the best of all to tackle it at the beginning of the main part of the training session (Metveyev, 1981). The coordinate function of the central nervous system and the one of its properties which Ivan Pavlov called plasticity are given a leading role in physical treatment of the essence of coordinative abilities. The ability qualitatively to coordinate movements undoubtedly depends on the perfection of the function of the analyzers (Matveyev, 1981). Such training means can also be used as ancillary means of fostering the improvement of analyzers function while at the same time the athlete can stay relatively passive. The analyzers: as part of the whole neuromuscular system should be seen as a part of the Physisiological Sub- stratum of coordination. Their function co-determines the level of the coordinative abilities. This should be taken into consideration and these means only applied as an additional means to develop these functions ( Dietrich Harre, 1982). Insufficient training of coordinative abilities limits the performance ability specially at the higher level. On the contrary, better development coordination abilities provide essential base for faster and effective learning, stabilization and valuation in technique and their successful execution in game situation. The quality of performance of all fundamental mechanical skills, the rhythm, flow accuracy, amplitude etc. are improved by coordinative ability; it helps in developing very fine extra credible skills (Singh, 1991). Coordination is important for the development of combat sports; the coordinative abilities play a vital role during practice and competition situation. In Judo, Boxing and Wrestling, as we know, the performance is significantly based on coordinative abilities, like reaction time, balance, rhythm, orientation etc., in Judo during uchikomi (repetition practice) the rhythmic ability and coupling ability plays a major role as the technique to be perfected by repeating the movement a number of times. Kuzushi (off-balancing the opponent) is one of the pre- requisites for applying a successful throw which needs the attacker to be in good balance and posture. A learned judokas uses his reaction to get advantage of the opponents slow and improper attacks in applying counter throws. In the game of Judo, after each bout, a judoka fights against a new opponent of different height. Posture measurement add to some extent different weight (specially in open weight category) that enable him to adjus t and transform his grips, techniques, postures and movement depending on the opponent, hence to meet such situation, he requires a top class differentiation ability. During the osaewaza (ground work) there are numerous situations when a judoka tries to hold the opponent, and the opponent lying below is unable to see the movements and positions adopted by the inclination of weight and body parts of the opponent touching him; it is where he uses his orientation abilities to defend himself from holding, locking and chocking technique (Sisodia, 2000). Wrestling belongs to the group of sports disciplines with complex movement activities in which an essential role is played by coordination motor abilities. A high level of coordination improvement, since the earliest years, positively influences the process of learning new movements as well as enables to make a more effective use of technical and tactical skills during a sports fight. Therefore, the formation of coordination abilities, since the earliest years, is the condition of training young wrestlers effectively. The continuously changing life process creates different needs and emphasis for different individuals, as they grow older. There is an optimum level of fitness for different age groups, and for better understanding of physical fitness the components of physical fitness must be known. The components of physical fitness as listed by Lason and Yocomare: Resistance to diseases, muscular strength, muscular power, muscular endurance, endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, co-ordination, balance and accuracy. An individual with a high level of motor ability, possessing the basic motor qualities necessary for achieving excellence in a number of activities, may still be unable to perform well in a particular sport unless he has developed specific skills for that sport through long hours of practices. In technical and combat sports, beautiful and graceful movements are a product of well developed technical skills and coordinative activities. The coordinative abilities, to a great extent, determine the maximum limits to which sport performance can be improved in several sports, especially the sports which depend largely on technical and tactical factors. Experts in training recently have been using the term technique, and coordinative abilities together as one performance factor (technique coordination or technique /coordination), since both are interrelated and interdependent. They have in common the process of the taking in and processing information for the regulation of action which enable the sportsman to direct and control his movement according to changing situation. Both these qualities postulate coordination of the nervous and muscular systems. The learning of motor movement has positive effect on coordination abilities necessary for the perfection of sports technique. Still these two qualities differ in the degree of their general training, methodic and the level of development. In case of motor skill, processes are largely automatised for the effective execution of a wide number of movements similar to each other. Coordinative abilities play an important role in quick changing of body position during game. In some sports, like combative sports, coordinative abilities are very essential for better and effective movement for any execution of movement. In sports, coordinative ability or the combination of various coordination abilities play a vital role for the execution of any skill or movement. The combination of various coordinative abilities is helpful for the execution of any movement or skill. The coordinative ability plays a significant role in learning consolidation and mastery of skills. Punch and defense occur frequently in boxing and it is assumed that these skills may have strong relationship with coordinative abilities. In other combat games like judo, wrestling etc, the player gets very limited time to perform, and enhanced reaction ability plays a vital role. Besides reaction ability, the other abilities, namely Balance, Rhythm, Coupling, Adaptation. Orientation ability, Balance ability play a vital role in the performance of skill in the combative sports. Motor coordination is a part and parcel of action regulation and is closely linked with the process of cognitive, psychic and movement execution aspect of an action. Coordination abilities have also important and strong link with motor skills as motor coordination forms the basis of both. Coordination has been one of the key factors in terms of performance skill in efficient manner. It is generally seen that top level players possess abundance of coordination for developing skill in a variety of ways. Combat sport Combat sport is a competitive contact sport where two combatants fight against each other using certain rules of engagement, typically with the aim of simulating parts of real hand of combat. Judo, wrestling, boxing, mixed martial arts and fencing are examples of combat sports. The techniques used can be categorized into three domains: grappling, striking and weapon usage. Some rule- sets specialize in one area, while others allow overlap. Sports related to combat skills have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. The ancient Olympic Games were largely composed of sports that tested skills related to combat, such as armoured foot race, wrestling, boxing, pankration, chariot racing amongst others. This tradition of combat sports was taken even further by the Romans with gladiators who would fight with weapons, often to the death. Through the middle Ages and Renaissance the Tournament became popular, with the joust as a mine event. While the tournament was popular amongst Aristocrats, combative sports where practiced by the all levels of society. Combat sports occupy a significant place among sports and games. It is a game of anticipation and masterful skill, deception and concentration. It requires mental and physical attributes to be in the top gear to tackle all eventualities in a bout. A bout is won by the perfect amalgam of physical condition, skills, experience and most importantly, the coordination. Boxing Boxing is a combat sports between two combatants who use their fists to achieve supremacy over their opponent. Like wrestling, boxing has ancient roots, as it was well known to the cultures of Mediterranean Sea and Egypt before it was first included in the Greek Olympics in 688 BC. Boxing was later known as pugilism, a derivative of the Latin term for a fighter, from which comes the slang term pug. Boxing was first introduced in 1904 St. Louis, in the modern Olympic Games. It has remained a sport where the competition is organized along weight classification lines, as it is presumed in boxing, like other combat sports judo, and wrestling that the heavier competitor is generally the stronger competitor. With some variations as to categories, all professional boxing, as well as amateur competition, is determined by weight class. And in the year of 1951 New Delhi, it was first introduced into the Asian games in India. Boxing is mainly divided into amateur and professional two categories, and Amateur Boxing Association (A.B.A.) is the highest governing body of boxing. It was formed in the year 1885 in London. It controls the tournament in the Olympic Games, amateur Boxing, including Asian Games etc. In India; on May 13, 1948 the I.A.B.F. was formed at a meeting of provincial representatives who were in Calcutta for the Olympic trials. The only significant difference between Olympic and professional boxing is the length of the rounds in each bout and the use of protective gear. In Olympic competition, all fighters must wear protective headgear and each round is two minutes in duration, with one-minute intervals, and four rounds in total. Professional bouts can last from eight to 15 rounds, depending on the weight classification, and scoring in the sport of boxing is similarly varied between amateur, Olympic, and professional bodies, but the general principles are consistent across the sport. Boxing matches are scored by the referee who is in the ring to maintain order and to enforce the rules of the sport, as well as by three judges stationed outside the ring who assess the fight based on a scoring system. Each punch that, in the opinion of the referee, lands on the opponents head or body will score a point. Penalties may be imposed in the scoring system for such items as a low blow, which is a punch delivered below the belt line of the opponent; a head butt; or any other type of contact that is not permitted by the rules. When the fight is not concluded with either a knockout or a technical knockout at the end of the last round, the fighter with the highest number of points will be deemed the winner. If the points total is equal, the fight is declared a draw. The fighting stance is similar to the traditional athletic stance common to the execution of many sports, with the knees bent and the hips flexed to permit agility and the establishment of a stable position. In the fighting stance, the boxers hands are maintained in a defensive position in front of the head, to protect against punches aimed there. A counterpunch is a blow delivered in an immediate response to one received from an opponent. A combination is a series of two or more different punches thrown consecutively. The boxers footwork is of critical importance to the delivery of a strong punch from a balanced position. Footwork that permits the boxer to maintain balance as the blows are delivered and absorbed is the base on which an effective punch can be delivered; an ability to move gracefully and with agility will often permit a boxer to escape dangerous encounters with the opponent. The tactics employed in a boxing match are a combination of a particular boxers strengths, the opponents perceived weaknesses, and the status of the fight at a given time Boxing training is a very physically demanding process. Boxing is a sport that is anaerobic, in terms of the intervals of high intensity activity contained within each round; it is also aerobic in its requirements that the boxer builds a powerful physical recovery mechanism, to assist the body in returning to its natural balance between each round. Effective boxing programmes will make ample provision for the development of both energy systems. Boxers have traditionally employed skipping and running (road-work) to enhance their cardiovascular proficiency. Agility, lateral quickness, and hand-eye coordination are fundamental to boxing success. The mechanics of the delivery of a punch require the instant coordination of footwork with arm action. The physical risks of boxing are many; lacerations to the face, fractured noses, damage to the ear cartilage and similar injuries caused by punches to these areas are common to boxers. The most serious boxing injuries are those caused by a blow or a series of blows to the head, most commonly concussion and subdural hematoma. Concussion is a brain injury in which the brain is violently moved within the fluid that supports it within the skull (http://www.faqs.org) Judo Judo is an art and sports, founded by Jigaro Kano of Japan in 1882. He took the best of Jujitsu self-defence techniques and cut out those that were harmful. He modified others so that they could be practised safely. Judo uses skill and flexibility for attack and defence. Judo is known as Gentle Way. Strength is of course applied but it is even more important to know how to use it. In emergencies, Judo can be a form of self-defence (Goldman, 1986). Judo may be described as a science for the study of potential power of the body and mind and the way of applying them most efficiently in competitive activities. Hence, it is involved with the study of the laws of gravity, dynamics and mechanics as related to the function of human body. Efficiency in Judo is certainly a valuable assets, but the real value applied to life in the effects which the training produces on the state of the body and mind (G.Koizumi, 1960). Judo was first introduced into Olympic competition in 1964, and it has subsequently become accepted as a high level combat sport for both men and women. Judo has significant world wide appeal, both as a recreational club activity, with participants who seek a measure of improved physical fitness of an individual, and personal pleasure, as well as status as an elite level sport. Judo in wide sense, can be physical culture, in the narrow sense, a sport; as physical culture, it can be an entrance into a special form of physical experience of an intrinsic need, an increase of awareness of what the body is capable of doing. As a sport, the individual can participate in violent competition, experience the conflict of one skill opposed to another. As a man-made skill it can develop the bad and the good in any personality (Geof, 1988). Worldwide judo competitions are sanctioned through the International Judo Federation (IJF), an organization with national governing body members in most nations of the world. Judo is organized as a weight category competition, as larger athletes would possess a natural competitive advantage against smaller athletes, given the nature of judo and its physical requirements. Judo has a standardized ranking system for its participants, which may range from children under 10 years of age to persons in their 70s and beyond. Athletes are judged on their ability to execute various standard throws and holds; the athlete is awarded his judo belt with the colour of the belt signifying their level of proficiency. Black belts are reserved for the masters of the sport, known as dans a tenth level black belt is the highest level ever awarded in judo. The award of a belt is not necessarily related to Olympic or international competitive achievement. Judo is one of the combat sport of coordination, where strength, balance, flexibility, reaction and timing are employed to create tactical advantages. All judo participants wear an identical uniform, the judogi. The competitors wear no other clothing or footwear during the course of bout in competition. The objective of competitive judo is to defeat the opponent in one of the three ways to successfully throw the opponent onto his back; to hold the opponent on his back for a period of 25 seconds; to disable the opponent by way of a choke hold or an arm lock that prevents his further movement. Judo is the only Olympic sport where choking or the potential fractures of an opponents arm are legal techniques. Throughout the course of the contest, the judoka are scored in their movements by three judges, one of whom who is on the mat, the remaining judges are positioned on the edges of the competitive surface. The judges assess not only the raw numerical value of the score, but the quality or any impressive aspect of a single manoeuvre. Points are also scored through the award through penalty; points are not deducted from the offenders score, but added to the opponents tally. As a general rule, a judoka may attempt to knock over the competitor by attacking their legs, by sweeping the feet of the opponent from under them, or by performing one of the many permitted throws. Much of judo success is built upon the ability of a competitor to execute the desired throw while establishing a low centre of gravity through which to move dynamically across the mat. Many judo moves are also executed in mid-air, and the understanding by the judoka of the importance of maintaining a low centre of gravity is essential in landing in a stable position. The brute strength that athletes often develop through weight training may assist in judo, but will never likely be determinative to competitive success. Training exercises that emphasize balance and coordination movement within which the athlete is able to move explosively are the foundation of judo success. As the body of a judoka may be twisted and contorted by the application of opponent force during an event, stretching to achieve maximum flexibility and range of joint motion are essential to prevent fluid movement and to assist in the prevention of injury(http://www.faqs.org). Wrestling Wrestling is hand combat between two competitors subject to certain rules, during which each competitor tries to control the movement of the other through the complex technical- tactical moves and by using all their physical and psychological potential (Petrov, 1987). Wrestling is one of the worlds oldest forms of athletic competition. Many cultures had forms of wrestling as a component of their military preparation. The ancient Olympics included wrestling, with the competition first recorded as taking place in the Games of 708 BC. The recognized sport of wrestling is an athletic event, sanctioned by the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA), and it is included as both an international and Olympic competition. More than 4000 years ago at the dawn of civilization, we find that wrestling was highly developed in Asia and Egypt, then introduced in Greece; wrestling was introduced in Rome in the last quarter of the second century B.C. Wrestling developed in England in an early era. China was the first in which wrestling was introduced among the Asian countries, in India history of wrestling can be traced as far back as 4000 years B.C. (Dubey, 1964). Wrestling is a sport involving two athletes engaged in a physical competition that is limited to a specified area defined on a mat. The general object of all types of wrestling is one wrestler attempts to force the shoulders of the opponent to the floor in a prescribed manner. The contest, a bout, is generally two rounds, each three minutes in duration. A wrestler wins a bout by either scoring a fall against the opponent, or by accumulating points through the s

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nucleic Acids :: essays research papers

DNA is the single most important molecule found within cells. It is a stable polynucleotide, which contains coded information for inherited characteristics. It is contained in chromosomes in the nucleus of an eukaryot cell. The essential features of the Watson-Crick model are summarised below. 1. The two helical polynucleotide chains are coiled around a common axis. The two chains have opposite polarity i.e. they are antiparrallel. 2. The regular repeating sugar phosphate backbone of each strand lies on the outside of the helix. The purine and pyrimidine bases project inwards at 900 to the axis of the helix. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonding between pairs of bases such that guanine always pairs with cytosine and adenine always pairs with thymine; this is called complementary base pairing 3. The diameter of the helix is 2.0 nm and adjacent bases are separated by 0.34 nm and inclined at 360 relative to each other. This means that each complete turn of the double helix contains about 10 base pairs. 4. The amount of guanine is usually equal to that of cytosine. The monomers of RNA and DNA are called nucleotides. Each nucleotide has three parts: A Five Carbon or Pentose Sugar The sugar will be one of two very similar pentose rings. Ribonucleic acids contain the sugar ribose. Deoxyribonucleic acids contain the sugar deoxyribose. The only difference between these two sugars is that deoxyribose contains one oxygen atom less than ribose. Pentose sugars are essential because they are involved in linking different nucleotides together by condensation reactions. The Nitrogen-Containing Bases There are two types of bases found in nucleic acids. The purine bases have two nitrogen containing rings, while the pyrimidines have only one. In DNA the purines are adenine (A) and guanine (G) and the pyrimidines are cytosine (C) and thymine (T). In RNA the purine bases are the same as in DNA, but the pyrimidines are cytosine and uracil (U). These rings have the chemical property of being bases because of the nitrogen atoms they contain. Adenine always forms 2 hydrogen bonds with thymine. Cytosine always forms 3 hydrogen bonds with guanine. Nucleic Acids :: essays research papers DNA is the single most important molecule found within cells. It is a stable polynucleotide, which contains coded information for inherited characteristics. It is contained in chromosomes in the nucleus of an eukaryot cell. The essential features of the Watson-Crick model are summarised below. 1. The two helical polynucleotide chains are coiled around a common axis. The two chains have opposite polarity i.e. they are antiparrallel. 2. The regular repeating sugar phosphate backbone of each strand lies on the outside of the helix. The purine and pyrimidine bases project inwards at 900 to the axis of the helix. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonding between pairs of bases such that guanine always pairs with cytosine and adenine always pairs with thymine; this is called complementary base pairing 3. The diameter of the helix is 2.0 nm and adjacent bases are separated by 0.34 nm and inclined at 360 relative to each other. This means that each complete turn of the double helix contains about 10 base pairs. 4. The amount of guanine is usually equal to that of cytosine. The monomers of RNA and DNA are called nucleotides. Each nucleotide has three parts: A Five Carbon or Pentose Sugar The sugar will be one of two very similar pentose rings. Ribonucleic acids contain the sugar ribose. Deoxyribonucleic acids contain the sugar deoxyribose. The only difference between these two sugars is that deoxyribose contains one oxygen atom less than ribose. Pentose sugars are essential because they are involved in linking different nucleotides together by condensation reactions. The Nitrogen-Containing Bases There are two types of bases found in nucleic acids. The purine bases have two nitrogen containing rings, while the pyrimidines have only one. In DNA the purines are adenine (A) and guanine (G) and the pyrimidines are cytosine (C) and thymine (T). In RNA the purine bases are the same as in DNA, but the pyrimidines are cytosine and uracil (U). These rings have the chemical property of being bases because of the nitrogen atoms they contain. Adenine always forms 2 hydrogen bonds with thymine. Cytosine always forms 3 hydrogen bonds with guanine.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Social Interaction

‘Social Interaction’ Social Interaction: Social Interaction is the foundation of society. Studying social interaction in everyday life sheds light on larger social systems & institutions. It is the building block of the entire Social Order and Social Relations. Definition: Social interaction is the process by which two or more individuals act and react to the people around us. It is the way people talk to each other and how they interact with various structures in society. It also includes the mutual influence of two or more people on each other’s behavior.Example: Interaction between the members of a family with each other, such as eating, sleeping and even family get-togethers. You will read more examples later in this assignment. Importance of social interaction: The opportunity for social interactions with others is very important for the development of all children. Through social interactions, children begin to establish a sense of â€Å"self† and to learn what others expect of them. Although social interactions for very young children primarily occur within the family, as children grow and develop, they become more and more interested in playing and interacting with other children.While playing with others, children learn appropriate social behaviors, such as sharing, cooperating and respecting the property of others. In addition, while interacting with their peers, young children learn communication, cognitive, and motor skills. Children with disabilities and nondisabled children to play together is an extremely important part of instruction in integrated preschools. The children must have the opportunity to play together if they are to become friends. These friendships will help the nondisabled child form positive, accepting attitudes toward persons who are disabled.In addition, the child who is disabled will have the opportunity to learn age-appropriate social skills. Children who learn appropriate social skills often have a higher self-esteem and show a greater willingness to interact with their environment as they grow. Opportunities for social interaction not only enhance development in the early years, but also may be important for the future of the young child who is disabled. The ability to interact competently with is a skill that is required throughout life and may affect future educational and vocational opportunities.Assisting young children who are disabled to learn through positive social interaction with nondisabled children may help them acquire skills from which they will benefit throughout their life. Interacting and playing with peers provides many learning opportunities for young children. In integrated preschool settings, nondisabled children and children with disabilities may need to be encouraged to play together. Social interaction between the two groups of children can be encouraged in a number of different ways.Suggestions for ways to use teacher attention and to structure the c lassroom to promote socially interactive play are discussed below. Teachers and adults can be very effective in promoting social interaction by encouraging children to play together and by praising them when they do. Teachers and other adults also can promote interactions by teaching children specific ways to ask other children to play, to share toys, to take turns, to express affection and to help other children. Assisting children to control their aggressive behavior encourages the formation of friendships.Planning small group activities that require cooperation and sharing motivates socially interactive behavior. For example, painting a mural or making soup as a group encourages children to learn to work together. Being certain that children with disabilities are seated next to nondisabled children makes it easy for the children to interact with and learn from each other. Allowing the child who is disabled to lead activities, pass out materials, and be praised in front of his or her classmates helps the nondisabled child view the child who is disabled as a competent friend.Toys such as blocks, dolls, dress-up clothes, trains, and cars promote social interactions much more than do toys such as beads, clay, puzzles and paints. Providing toys with which the child who is disabled can play competently encourages the children to play together. Limiting the number of toys available and requesting that children play in a small area requires the children to share and engage in the same activity, thereby encouraging social interaction. As you get older and retire or move to a new community, you may not have quite as many opportunities to socialize as you did when you were younger.People who continue to maintain close friendships and find other ways to interact socially live longer than those who become isolated. Relationships and social interactions even help protect against illness by boosting your immune system. The benefits of being social: Specific health benefit s of social interaction in older adults include: * Potentially reduced risk for cardiovascular problems, some cancers, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis * Potentially reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease * Lower blood pressure Reduced risk for mental health issues such as depression Conversely, social isolation carries real risks. Some of these risks are: * Feeling lonely and depressed * Being less physically active * Having a greater risk of death * Having high blood pressure Social interaction helps keep your brain from getting rusty, but it's most effective when coupled with an overall healthy lifestyle, including a nutritious diet and physical activity. Keeping your connections strong: Start by staying in touch with friends and family, and try to visit with them regularly.Here are other ways you can maintain a high level of social interaction: * Volunteer in your community. * Visit a senior center and participate in offered activities with other seniors—this is a gre at way to make new friends. * Join a group focused on activities you enjoy, such as playing cards or a book club. * Try taking a class—learn a new language or a new style of cooking or experiment with a new hobby. * Join a gym or fitness center to stay physically fit and engage with others. Find ways to stay young at heart, stimulated, busy and out of the house.Schedule regular visits with grandkids or volunteer at a school or children's organization to enjoy time with little ones and absorb some of their youthful energy. Although staying in touch in person is important, phone calls, snail mail, and e-mail can keep you connected, too—if you're not yet comfortable with computers, ask a young relative to help you. Staying socially active and maintaining your relationships are an important part of healthy aging. Reach out to your loved ones—neighbors, friends, family members—and stay as vibrant, active, and social as you've always been. Kinds of social inter action:There are six kinds of social interaction: 1) Cooperation 2) Conflict 3) Competition 4) Accommodation 5) Acculturation 6) Assimilation 1) Cooperation: Green: According to Green, cooperation can be defined as â€Å"The continuous and common endeavor of two or more persons to perform a task or to realize a goal that is commonly cherished. † Cooperation is one of the fundamental processes of social life. Cooperation is that basic form of human interaction in which men strive jointly with each other for a good goal or value. At the same time, cooperation is the most pervasive and continuous of the social processes.It is an integrating activity. It is an associative process which means working together in the pursuit of common interests or common goal. Modes of Cooperation: There are two modes of cooperation in a social life: * Direct cooperation: includes â€Å"those activities in which men do like things together† –like play together, worship together, etc. * Indirect cooperation: is found wherever people perform unlike tasks towards a single end – like where there is a division of labor or mass production. Importance: Cooperation is a universal phenomenon.All the progress that mankind has made in various fields is to be attributed to the cooperating spirit of the people. It is so important in the life of an individual that it is difficult to survive without it. Cooperation for human beings is both a psychological and a social necessity. Collective goals in our social life cannot be achieved without cooperation. 2) Conflict: Mac Iver and Page: â€Å"Form of struggle in which â€Å"men contend against one other for any object. † Conflict is as ever-present process in human relations. Conflict is universal and occurs in all places and at all time.There has never been a time or a society in which some individuals or groups did not come into conflict. Social conflict is a struggle between opponents over values and claims to scarce status, power and resources. Conflict therefore, expresses itself in thousands of ways and degrees and over every range of human contact. It is a dissociative process. In conflict, the person or group thwarts injuries or destroys the opponent in order to secure a goal or reward. Darwin states that – â€Å"the principles of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest are the main causes of conflict. † Types of Conflict:There are four basic types of conflict: * Man vs. Man: It occurs when a character (some other person) has an argument or disagreement with the other character. * Man vs. Society: It occurs when a man disagrees with a societal values, laws or beliefs. * Man vs. Nature: It occurs when a man has problem with outside forces; weather, animals (like in a TV show ‘Man vs. Wild'), and land. Etc * Man vs. Self: It occurs when a person develops an internal struggle between his ideas and thoughts. This can be a cause of other conflicts mentioned. Modes of Conflict: There are two modes of conflict: Direct Conflict: The direct conflict is in which people seek to attain some objective by restraining, injuring or destroying one another. Revolution was and street fights are example of direct conflict. * Indirect Conflict: The indirect conflict is in which the people do not restrain or injure other in seeking there ends but manage to attain their own goals which the opponent cannot approach to his goal in any way. It means obstruction in rivals is created. Group opinion is colored against the rival about his aims. Talking ill of others and backbiting are also indirect conflicts.These are the frequently occurring instances in the social life of people. Importance: Conflict generally occurs due to individual differences, cultural differences, clash of interests and social changes. Conflict in its extreme form brings war and destruction of lives and property. Those conflicts which cause wars or may take hostile form may destroy live s and property of the people – may cause great negative psychological and moral change. Conflict serves as constructive and positive ends. In corporate conflicts – that is, between groups and societies, solidarity and fellow-feelings are increased.Thus we may conclude that all types of conflicts are not harmful to the society because it performs certain positive functions also. Mac Iver therefore, rightly observes that – Society is cooperation crossed by conflict. 3) Competition: Competition is the most fundamental form of opposition or social struggle. It is a struggle of two or more persons for the same object which is so limited that all cannot share it. Anderson and Parker: â€Å"Competition is that form of social action in which we strive against each other for the possession of or use of some limited material and non-material good.   In our society, for instance, there is competition for jobs, for goods, power, social position, fame and all other things one cannot get by mere asking. Thus competition goes on an impersonal manner. The eye is on the goal or reward rather than the competitors. Importance: Competition therefore, exists everywhere, but appears in many ways. It varies as to scope, intensity and type from one system to another. It performs many useful functions in our society. Competition tends to stimulate economy, efficiency, and inventiveness.It tends to increase one’s ego and to give one satisfaction. Since competition rests upon a set of rules, it creates respect for the ruling of the game. 4) Accommodation: If conflict goes on for an indefinite period, our social life becomes unbearable. Hence, attempts are always made for the resolution of conflicts. Accommodation means resolution of conflict by adjusting oneself to the new environment. Mac Iver and Page: â€Å"The term accommodation refers particularly to the process on which man attains a sense of harmony with his environment. † Ogburn and Nimkoff: Accommodation is a term used by sociologists to describe the adjustment of hostile individuals or groups†. Accommodation is the term used by the sociologists to describe the process by those once in conflicts who can work together in common enterprises. It brings arrangements which permit groups to work together. A structure of interdependent roles arises and organizes people in ways which permit them to live and Act in spite of differences in latent hostility. Thus, the social order arises through the process of accommodation. Accommodation is thus, the basis of all social organizations. Importance:The term ‘accommodation' refers to several sorts of working agreements between rival groups that permit at least limited cooperation between them even though the issues dividing them remain unsettled. It does not technically end the conflict, but holds it in abeyance. The accommodation may last for only a short time and may be for the purpose of allowing the conflicting part ies to consolidate their positions and to prepare for further conflict. Or, as is more often the case, the initial accommodation agreed upon by the parties may be part of the process of seeking solutions to the issues that divide them.If those solutions are not found, the accommodation itself may become permanent. 5) Acculturation: Acculturation is defined as, â€Å"Acculturation is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group. † Although acculturation is usually in the direction of a minority group adopting habits and language patterns of the dominant group, acculturation can be reciprocal–that is, the dominant group also adopts patterns typical of the minority group. Importance:This term is used to describe both the process of contacts between different cultures and also the customs of such contacts. As the process of contact between cultures, acculturation may involve either direct social interaction or exposure t o other cultures by means of the mass media of communication. As the outcome of such contact, acculturation refers to the assimilation by one group of the culture of another which modifies the existing culture and so changes group identity. There may be a tension between old and new cultures which leads to the adapting of the new as well as the old. ) Assimilation: Assimilation is the process whereby persons and groups acquire the culture of the other persons and groups in which they come to live  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ by adopting its attitudes and values and its way of life. Assimilation is the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society. Young and Mack: â€Å"Assimilation is a slow and a gradual process†. It takes time. For example, immigrants take time to get assimilated with majority group. Assimilation is concerned with the absorption and incorporation of the culture by another.Assimilation is therefore, another form of interaction which cannot be neglected in t he social process. But the same time, the extreme differences in cultural background, prejudice and physical differences usually Act as barriers to assimilation. Importance: The term ‘assimilation' again is in general use, being applied most often to the process whereby large numbers of migrants from Europe were absorbed into the American population during the 19th and the early part of the 20th century. The assimilation of immigrants was a dramatic and highly visible set of events and illustrates the process well.There are other types of assimilation, however, and there are aspects of the assimilation of European migrants that might be put in propositional form. First, assimilation is a two-way process. Second, assimilation of groups as well as individuals takes place. Third some assimilation probably occurs in all lasting interpersonal situations. Fourth, assimilation is often incomplete and creates adjustment problems for individuals. And, fifth, assimilation does not proce ed equally rapidly and equally effectively in all inter-group situations fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one. Social Interaction ‘Social Interaction’ Social Interaction: Social Interaction is the foundation of society. Studying social interaction in everyday life sheds light on larger social systems & institutions. It is the building block of the entire Social Order and Social Relations. Definition: Social interaction is the process by which two or more individuals act and react to the people around us. It is the way people talk to each other and how they interact with various structures in society. It also includes the mutual influence of two or more people on each other’s behavior.Example: Interaction between the members of a family with each other, such as eating, sleeping and even family get-togethers. You will read more examples later in this assignment. Importance of social interaction: The opportunity for social interactions with others is very important for the development of all children. Through social interactions, children begin to establish a sense of â€Å"self† and to learn what others expect of them. Although social interactions for very young children primarily occur within the family, as children grow and develop, they become more and more interested in playing and interacting with other children.While playing with others, children learn appropriate social behaviors, such as sharing, cooperating and respecting the property of others. In addition, while interacting with their peers, young children learn communication, cognitive, and motor skills. Children with disabilities and nondisabled children to play together is an extremely important part of instruction in integrated preschools. The children must have the opportunity to play together if they are to become friends. These friendships will help the nondisabled child form positive, accepting attitudes toward persons who are disabled.In addition, the child who is disabled will have the opportunity to learn age-appropriate social skills. Children who learn appropriate social skills often have a higher self-esteem and show a greater willingness to interact with their environment as they grow. Opportunities for social interaction not only enhance development in the early years, but also may be important for the future of the young child who is disabled. The ability to interact competently with is a skill that is required throughout life and may affect future educational and vocational opportunities.Assisting young children who are disabled to learn through positive social interaction with nondisabled children may help them acquire skills from which they will benefit throughout their life. Interacting and playing with peers provides many learning opportunities for young children. In integrated preschool settings, nondisabled children and children with disabilities may need to be encouraged to play together. Social interaction between the two groups of children can be encouraged in a number of different ways.Suggestions for ways to use teacher attention and to structure the c lassroom to promote socially interactive play are discussed below. Teachers and adults can be very effective in promoting social interaction by encouraging children to play together and by praising them when they do. Teachers and other adults also can promote interactions by teaching children specific ways to ask other children to play, to share toys, to take turns, to express affection and to help other children. Assisting children to control their aggressive behavior encourages the formation of friendships.Planning small group activities that require cooperation and sharing motivates socially interactive behavior. For example, painting a mural or making soup as a group encourages children to learn to work together. Being certain that children with disabilities are seated next to nondisabled children makes it easy for the children to interact with and learn from each other. Allowing the child who is disabled to lead activities, pass out materials, and be praised in front of his or her classmates helps the nondisabled child view the child who is disabled as a competent friend.Toys such as blocks, dolls, dress-up clothes, trains, and cars promote social interactions much more than do toys such as beads, clay, puzzles and paints. Providing toys with which the child who is disabled can play competently encourages the children to play together. Limiting the number of toys available and requesting that children play in a small area requires the children to share and engage in the same activity, thereby encouraging social interaction. As you get older and retire or move to a new community, you may not have quite as many opportunities to socialize as you did when you were younger.People who continue to maintain close friendships and find other ways to interact socially live longer than those who become isolated. Relationships and social interactions even help protect against illness by boosting your immune system. The benefits of being social: Specific health benefit s of social interaction in older adults include: * Potentially reduced risk for cardiovascular problems, some cancers, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis * Potentially reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease * Lower blood pressure Reduced risk for mental health issues such as depression Conversely, social isolation carries real risks. Some of these risks are: * Feeling lonely and depressed * Being less physically active * Having a greater risk of death * Having high blood pressure Social interaction helps keep your brain from getting rusty, but it's most effective when coupled with an overall healthy lifestyle, including a nutritious diet and physical activity. Keeping your connections strong: Start by staying in touch with friends and family, and try to visit with them regularly.Here are other ways you can maintain a high level of social interaction: * Volunteer in your community. * Visit a senior center and participate in offered activities with other seniors—this is a gre at way to make new friends. * Join a group focused on activities you enjoy, such as playing cards or a book club. * Try taking a class—learn a new language or a new style of cooking or experiment with a new hobby. * Join a gym or fitness center to stay physically fit and engage with others. Find ways to stay young at heart, stimulated, busy and out of the house.Schedule regular visits with grandkids or volunteer at a school or children's organization to enjoy time with little ones and absorb some of their youthful energy. Although staying in touch in person is important, phone calls, snail mail, and e-mail can keep you connected, too—if you're not yet comfortable with computers, ask a young relative to help you. Staying socially active and maintaining your relationships are an important part of healthy aging. Reach out to your loved ones—neighbors, friends, family members—and stay as vibrant, active, and social as you've always been. Kinds of social inter action:There are six kinds of social interaction: 1) Cooperation 2) Conflict 3) Competition 4) Accommodation 5) Acculturation 6) Assimilation 1) Cooperation: Green: According to Green, cooperation can be defined as â€Å"The continuous and common endeavor of two or more persons to perform a task or to realize a goal that is commonly cherished. † Cooperation is one of the fundamental processes of social life. Cooperation is that basic form of human interaction in which men strive jointly with each other for a good goal or value. At the same time, cooperation is the most pervasive and continuous of the social processes.It is an integrating activity. It is an associative process which means working together in the pursuit of common interests or common goal. Modes of Cooperation: There are two modes of cooperation in a social life: * Direct cooperation: includes â€Å"those activities in which men do like things together† –like play together, worship together, etc. * Indirect cooperation: is found wherever people perform unlike tasks towards a single end – like where there is a division of labor or mass production. Importance: Cooperation is a universal phenomenon.All the progress that mankind has made in various fields is to be attributed to the cooperating spirit of the people. It is so important in the life of an individual that it is difficult to survive without it. Cooperation for human beings is both a psychological and a social necessity. Collective goals in our social life cannot be achieved without cooperation. 2) Conflict: Mac Iver and Page: â€Å"Form of struggle in which â€Å"men contend against one other for any object. † Conflict is as ever-present process in human relations. Conflict is universal and occurs in all places and at all time.There has never been a time or a society in which some individuals or groups did not come into conflict. Social conflict is a struggle between opponents over values and claims to scarce status, power and resources. Conflict therefore, expresses itself in thousands of ways and degrees and over every range of human contact. It is a dissociative process. In conflict, the person or group thwarts injuries or destroys the opponent in order to secure a goal or reward. Darwin states that – â€Å"the principles of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest are the main causes of conflict. † Types of Conflict:There are four basic types of conflict: * Man vs. Man: It occurs when a character (some other person) has an argument or disagreement with the other character. * Man vs. Society: It occurs when a man disagrees with a societal values, laws or beliefs. * Man vs. Nature: It occurs when a man has problem with outside forces; weather, animals (like in a TV show ‘Man vs. Wild'), and land. Etc * Man vs. Self: It occurs when a person develops an internal struggle between his ideas and thoughts. This can be a cause of other conflicts mentioned. Modes of Conflict: There are two modes of conflict: Direct Conflict: The direct conflict is in which people seek to attain some objective by restraining, injuring or destroying one another. Revolution was and street fights are example of direct conflict. * Indirect Conflict: The indirect conflict is in which the people do not restrain or injure other in seeking there ends but manage to attain their own goals which the opponent cannot approach to his goal in any way. It means obstruction in rivals is created. Group opinion is colored against the rival about his aims. Talking ill of others and backbiting are also indirect conflicts.These are the frequently occurring instances in the social life of people. Importance: Conflict generally occurs due to individual differences, cultural differences, clash of interests and social changes. Conflict in its extreme form brings war and destruction of lives and property. Those conflicts which cause wars or may take hostile form may destroy live s and property of the people – may cause great negative psychological and moral change. Conflict serves as constructive and positive ends. In corporate conflicts – that is, between groups and societies, solidarity and fellow-feelings are increased.Thus we may conclude that all types of conflicts are not harmful to the society because it performs certain positive functions also. Mac Iver therefore, rightly observes that – Society is cooperation crossed by conflict. 3) Competition: Competition is the most fundamental form of opposition or social struggle. It is a struggle of two or more persons for the same object which is so limited that all cannot share it. Anderson and Parker: â€Å"Competition is that form of social action in which we strive against each other for the possession of or use of some limited material and non-material good.   In our society, for instance, there is competition for jobs, for goods, power, social position, fame and all other things one cannot get by mere asking. Thus competition goes on an impersonal manner. The eye is on the goal or reward rather than the competitors. Importance: Competition therefore, exists everywhere, but appears in many ways. It varies as to scope, intensity and type from one system to another. It performs many useful functions in our society. Competition tends to stimulate economy, efficiency, and inventiveness.It tends to increase one’s ego and to give one satisfaction. Since competition rests upon a set of rules, it creates respect for the ruling of the game. 4) Accommodation: If conflict goes on for an indefinite period, our social life becomes unbearable. Hence, attempts are always made for the resolution of conflicts. Accommodation means resolution of conflict by adjusting oneself to the new environment. Mac Iver and Page: â€Å"The term accommodation refers particularly to the process on which man attains a sense of harmony with his environment. † Ogburn and Nimkoff: Accommodation is a term used by sociologists to describe the adjustment of hostile individuals or groups†. Accommodation is the term used by the sociologists to describe the process by those once in conflicts who can work together in common enterprises. It brings arrangements which permit groups to work together. A structure of interdependent roles arises and organizes people in ways which permit them to live and Act in spite of differences in latent hostility. Thus, the social order arises through the process of accommodation. Accommodation is thus, the basis of all social organizations. Importance:The term ‘accommodation' refers to several sorts of working agreements between rival groups that permit at least limited cooperation between them even though the issues dividing them remain unsettled. It does not technically end the conflict, but holds it in abeyance. The accommodation may last for only a short time and may be for the purpose of allowing the conflicting part ies to consolidate their positions and to prepare for further conflict. Or, as is more often the case, the initial accommodation agreed upon by the parties may be part of the process of seeking solutions to the issues that divide them.If those solutions are not found, the accommodation itself may become permanent. 5) Acculturation: Acculturation is defined as, â€Å"Acculturation is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group. † Although acculturation is usually in the direction of a minority group adopting habits and language patterns of the dominant group, acculturation can be reciprocal–that is, the dominant group also adopts patterns typical of the minority group. Importance:This term is used to describe both the process of contacts between different cultures and also the customs of such contacts. As the process of contact between cultures, acculturation may involve either direct social interaction or exposure t o other cultures by means of the mass media of communication. As the outcome of such contact, acculturation refers to the assimilation by one group of the culture of another which modifies the existing culture and so changes group identity. There may be a tension between old and new cultures which leads to the adapting of the new as well as the old. ) Assimilation: Assimilation is the process whereby persons and groups acquire the culture of the other persons and groups in which they come to live  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ by adopting its attitudes and values and its way of life. Assimilation is the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society. Young and Mack: â€Å"Assimilation is a slow and a gradual process†. It takes time. For example, immigrants take time to get assimilated with majority group. Assimilation is concerned with the absorption and incorporation of the culture by another.Assimilation is therefore, another form of interaction which cannot be neglected in t he social process. But the same time, the extreme differences in cultural background, prejudice and physical differences usually Act as barriers to assimilation. Importance: The term ‘assimilation' again is in general use, being applied most often to the process whereby large numbers of migrants from Europe were absorbed into the American population during the 19th and the early part of the 20th century. The assimilation of immigrants was a dramatic and highly visible set of events and illustrates the process well.There are other types of assimilation, however, and there are aspects of the assimilation of European migrants that might be put in propositional form. First, assimilation is a two-way process. Second, assimilation of groups as well as individuals takes place. Third some assimilation probably occurs in all lasting interpersonal situations. Fourth, assimilation is often incomplete and creates adjustment problems for individuals. And, fifth, assimilation does not proce ed equally rapidly and equally effectively in all inter-group situations fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one.